January for Freshman & Sophomores

Moving into January and (seriously) before you know it, it's you senior year! I am speaking from experience as a dad, a former student-athlete and as a college planner who has helped more than a thousand families ... the one thing you can never get back is time. This is why, I think, it is important (as parents) to realize that your child is probably going to go to college, we don't know where yet, you don't know how far from home it'll be and you probably don't even know what he will study but one thing is pretty certain .. he is going!
Therefore, and think about this, why would you not prepare him? Many parents tell me "well he is just a freshman" or "he is just a sophomore", and to that I say what a great opportunity for you to give your son every opportunity possible. When you wait ... you miss out. Just ask any senior who waited, either assuming they were good enough that people will discover them or believing that they always had time to get started later. Most, if not all, can't help but wonder .. what if I started this a little earlier?
January Check list for Freshman & Sophomores
Get Informed about the SAT Subject Tests (NOT to be confused with the SAT and or ACT
-Back when I was applying to college, these were known as Achievement tests. Only about three dozen of the nation’s most selective schools require them, including Ivy League and other private colleges like Williams, Tufts and any of the University of California schools.
-These tests are offered in sixteen subjects. Each lasts an hour and up to three can be taken on a particular date and it is not possible to take the SAT and a Subject Test on the same day.
-Requirements aside, a good Subject Test score can be helpful at virtually any college. Since the subject tests measure knowledge from school classes, it generally makes sense to take them in June at the end of a school year. Chemistry is a common choice for tenth grades though most applicants wait until spring of the eleventh grade before starting subject tests, which to me makes little sense.
For complete information go to www.collegeboard.org
Need help researching possible colleges? I've been on hundreds of college campuses - just ask me
Get a skills video done - don't wait start now and keep building upon it.
Begin narrowing down the range of colleges that you intend to research. Not baseball level but academically - the difficulty of being accepted at.
I know college seems a world away and it takes imagination to picture yourself on a college campus but the calendar never stops turning.
Get a Good Start - It’s never too early for a parent to start thinking about the college admissions and recruiting process as long as you don’t make to big of a fuss about it.
Help your son make choices of what to be involved with in high school
(Some kids need a nudge to get involved; others need help in narrowing down their commitments so they can focus on a few. It is better to establish leadership and distinction in a couple of activities than to dabble in many.
Control Your Anxiety (If you are already thinking about college, remember that your son is still adjusting to high school. Push too hard and you’re likely to create an opposite dynamic that may last throughout the next four years and beyond
Don't forget this is what I do ... just ask if you need direction.